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headlight restoration

25% Off Headlight Lense Restoration

Make your headlights look and function like new with headlight lens restoration from Speed Clean. Our trained professionals will work on any vehicle to ensure the highest quality service.

Make sure your vehicle doesn’t fail Michigan inspection with faulty headlight lenses.

Contact Speed Clean Services to restore your headlights professionally today and save!

10% Multi Service Discount

Combine any 3 seprate services and revieve 10% off

  • Car + Boat + Home Carpets = 10% $avings
  • Car + Motorcycle + Kitchen Tile = 10% $avings
  • Home Carpet + Sofa + Air Duct = 10% $avings
  • Sofa + Wall Washing + Blinds = 10% $avings
  • Car + Car + Car = 10% $avings
  • Your House + Uncles House + Aunts House = 10% $avings

There are so many ways to save they are too long to list here. Call and ask about your savings opportunity today!

$20 Off Tile & Grout Cleaning of $99 +

Tile and grout are notoriously difficult to clean. Every homeowner (and business owner!) knows that regular mopping, home tile cleaners and home grout cleaning methods just don’t do the trick, especially if you’re trying to eliminate stubborn dirt that has settled on tile surfaces or deep into grout lines.

Speed Cleans professional Tile Cleaning and Grout Cleaning process will keep your tile surfaces and grout lines clean and fresh. We can go where bottled cleaners and household mops have never gone before!

Have questions? Call us

24/7 Emergency Response
(586) 207-7088